*clap, clap clap*
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Vuelvo al Sur...
Paradinha básica na loucura de NYC para fazer uma visita a uma cidade que eu amo... respirar um pouco a calma do ar portenho, remexer um pouco a alma que (ainda) tenho. Só pelo fim de semana. Só um pouco.
Vuelvo al Sur,
como se vuelve siempre al amor,
vuelvo a vos,
con mi deseo, con mi temor.
Llevo el Sur,
como un destino del corazon,
soy del Sur,
como los aires del bandoneon.
Sueño el Sur,
inmensa luna, cielo al reves,
busco el Sur,
el tiempo abierto, y su despues.
Quiero al Sur,
su buena gente, su dignidad,
siento el Sur,
como tu cuerpo en la intimidad.
Te quiero Sur, Sur, te quiero.
Vuelvo al Sur,
llevo el Sur,
te quiero Sur,
te quiero Sur...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Grandes navegações
Depois de longos meses, voltei finalmente ao Theatro Municipal - minha paixão paulistana - para ver a minha professora, Eloísa Baldin, no "poema vocal-sinfônico" "Colombo", do brasileiro Carlos Gomes. A obra foi composta para o 4º centenário da tomada da América pelos espanhóis comandados pelo genovês Cristóvão Colombo.
Diz o frade a Colombo: E o que queres?
Ao que Colombo responde: Ação... perigo... glória... Um outro mundo se agita, sublime, inexplorado... lá longe... lá... onde o sol se põe! Ambicionei a Atlântida, e como num sonho dourado, num êxtase ideal, saboreei a embriaguez fascinante da eterna primavera.
E se alguém me diz: E o que tu, Mariana, queres?
Digo eu: Nada de glória ou perigo... talvez ação. Sim. O que se agita, o sublime, o ainda inexplorado. A embriaguez fascinante de uma primavera diferente a cada ano; que finda com o girar da Terra, mas que é eterna na memória. Escrita a nanquim no papiro da memória.
Grande "navegação", não?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Conversation on Sarah Brightman tickets
Subject: Hi! It's Mariana, from Sao Paulo straight to Boston!!! =D
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 08:28:14 -0700
From: Mariana.Santos
To: billg_45
Dearest Bill, I am sooooooo glad to confirm that I’ll be visiting you and watching Sarah’s concert in Boston (and probably NYC too) that I can hardly breathe!!! Hehehehehe... I have confirmed my flight tickets yesterday.
Well, these are the plans so far. I just need to get my visa (of which I already started the process) and reconfirm my stay in NYC, because since the company I work manages several hotels there, I’m waiting for a confirmation of some complimentary room/nights, hehehe… if I don’t get them, I’ll try something else.
There are two things I would like to ask you: the first of them, to confirm the second one. =D
1. How far is it from Boston to NYC? Is it possible to take a bus or something like that, and go from Boston to NYC and come back at the same day?
2. I will really, really need your help with this one: do you think it is possible for you to buy my ticket to Sarah’s concert when Ticketmaster starts selling them? I could send you the money via FedEx or some similar company, as well as do a bank transfer to your account or pay in cash as soon as I arrive in Boston. I really would like to seat next to you, so we can share the experience (and I’m sure this is going to be quite an experience!). If the distance from Boston to NYC is OK, I’ll surely watch the concert in Madison Square Garden, so if you could buy me this ticket too, I’d probably thank you for the rest of my life!!! I really don’t want to miss this opportunity to see Sarah performing at this superb place!
Just please, tell me if this ticket thing is OK to you, and how you prefer me to send you the money… I’m willing to spend about USD 150.00 maximum for each ticket – it should get us quite a good seat, shouldn’t it? I’m not really sure how much a good seat costs…
Sorry for this quite long e-mail, but there were so many things I needed to tell you, and I’m so excited about the trip… as I said, I can hardly breathe, so I’m typing like a mad girl who’s not able to speak due to lack of air, hehehehehehehe!!!
Please, tell me if you are able to buy me the tickets and how I can send you the money. If you can’t buy them, not a problem: I’ll try through the Ticketmaster website or anything else.
Big, big, big Bright-kisses!!! =***
Yours truly,
Mariana Cuencas Santos
From: William Godfrey
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 12:45 PM
To: Santos, Mariana
Subject: RE: Hi! It's Mariana, from Sao Paulo straight to Boston!!! =D
Dearest Mariana, I now have our tickets for both Boston and New York. In Boston, we have good seats being in Loge 13 of TD Banknorth, Row 3, seats 7 - 9 as Rachel will be with us too. The Tickets were $147.50 plus charges.
In New York, we are on the Floor in Section 10 which are not as good but we will be looking directly at the Stage. Those tickets were $129.50 plus charges. Rachel is not going to New York with us.
On both you can go to www.ticketmaster.com to look at the tickets. You only pay me for the face value of the tickets. I will pay the extra charges because I will be so very happy to see you. You can even pay when you arrive if you wish or send whichever you prefer. I am not concerned.
Bright Hugs, Bill
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 08:28:14 -0700
From: Mariana.Santos
To: billg_45
Dearest Bill, I am sooooooo glad to confirm that I’ll be visiting you and watching Sarah’s concert in Boston (and probably NYC too) that I can hardly breathe!!! Hehehehehe... I have confirmed my flight tickets yesterday.
Well, these are the plans so far. I just need to get my visa (of which I already started the process) and reconfirm my stay in NYC, because since the company I work manages several hotels there, I’m waiting for a confirmation of some complimentary room/nights, hehehe… if I don’t get them, I’ll try something else.
There are two things I would like to ask you: the first of them, to confirm the second one. =D
1. How far is it from Boston to NYC? Is it possible to take a bus or something like that, and go from Boston to NYC and come back at the same day?
2. I will really, really need your help with this one: do you think it is possible for you to buy my ticket to Sarah’s concert when Ticketmaster starts selling them? I could send you the money via FedEx or some similar company, as well as do a bank transfer to your account or pay in cash as soon as I arrive in Boston. I really would like to seat next to you, so we can share the experience (and I’m sure this is going to be quite an experience!). If the distance from Boston to NYC is OK, I’ll surely watch the concert in Madison Square Garden, so if you could buy me this ticket too, I’d probably thank you for the rest of my life!!! I really don’t want to miss this opportunity to see Sarah performing at this superb place!
Just please, tell me if this ticket thing is OK to you, and how you prefer me to send you the money… I’m willing to spend about USD 150.00 maximum for each ticket – it should get us quite a good seat, shouldn’t it? I’m not really sure how much a good seat costs…
Sorry for this quite long e-mail, but there were so many things I needed to tell you, and I’m so excited about the trip… as I said, I can hardly breathe, so I’m typing like a mad girl who’s not able to speak due to lack of air, hehehehehehehe!!!
Please, tell me if you are able to buy me the tickets and how I can send you the money. If you can’t buy them, not a problem: I’ll try through the Ticketmaster website or anything else.
Big, big, big Bright-kisses!!! =***
Yours truly,
Mariana Cuencas Santos
From: William Godfrey
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 12:45 PM
To: Santos, Mariana
Subject: RE: Hi! It's Mariana, from Sao Paulo straight to Boston!!! =D
Dearest Mariana, I now have our tickets for both Boston and New York. In Boston, we have good seats being in Loge 13 of TD Banknorth, Row 3, seats 7 - 9 as Rachel will be with us too. The Tickets were $147.50 plus charges.
In New York, we are on the Floor in Section 10 which are not as good but we will be looking directly at the Stage. Those tickets were $129.50 plus charges. Rachel is not going to New York with us.
On both you can go to www.ticketmaster.com to look at the tickets. You only pay me for the face value of the tickets. I will pay the extra charges because I will be so very happy to see you. You can even pay when you arrive if you wish or send whichever you prefer. I am not concerned.
Bright Hugs, Bill
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ainda sobre jornadas
É um dito dum escritor chamado Samuel Clemens, mais conhecido como Mark Twain.
"Viajar é fatal para o preconceito, a intolerância e as idéias limitadas; só por isso, muitas pessoas precisam muito viajar. Não se pode ter uma visão ampla, abrangente e genorosa dos homens e das coisas vegetando num cantinho do mundo a
vida inteira."
E não é verdade?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sobre jornadas
O nome desse blog, "A Never-Ending Road", é o nome de uma canção lindíssima da cantora canadense Loreena McKennitt. Ela é uma pessoa fantástica, e como eu, fascinada por viagens. Todos os seus álbuns são frutos de suas jornadas pelo mundo, seu contato com culturas diversas. Em suas palavras:
"Toda jornada traz suas próprias surpresas: um desafio, um
desvio repentino, um novo grupo de amigos pelo caminho, talvez até um destino
diferente daquele que era a sua
Monday, September 8, 2008
O primeiro passo
Passagem aérea: OK
Confirmação do albergue: OK
Confirmação do Bill: OK
Passaporte e visto: OK
Ingressos para Sarah Brightman: OK
Ingresso para "Tristão e Isolda": OK
Dia 19 de novembro é dia de pôr o pé na estrada. O segundo pé, pra entrar de vez com o corpo inteiro na aventura.
O primeiro passo, no pré-viagem dividido em muitos pequeninos, já foi dado. Faltava só um registro, mesmo que online, e foi por isso que montei esse cafofo cibernético pra ir jogando todas as experiências, as surpresas, os sufocos, tudo o que uma aventura tem direito de nos dar. Esse aqui vai ser o meu malão "à la Harry Potter".
Espero que esta seja a primeira de muitas aventuras em direção as quais darei um primeiro passo.
'Cause if I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere, it's up to you... New York, NEW YORK!!!
- Sai de mim, Liza!
Confirmação do albergue: OK
Confirmação do Bill: OK
Passaporte e visto: OK
Ingressos para Sarah Brightman: OK
Ingresso para "Tristão e Isolda": OK
Dia 19 de novembro é dia de pôr o pé na estrada. O segundo pé, pra entrar de vez com o corpo inteiro na aventura.
O primeiro passo, no pré-viagem dividido em muitos pequeninos, já foi dado. Faltava só um registro, mesmo que online, e foi por isso que montei esse cafofo cibernético pra ir jogando todas as experiências, as surpresas, os sufocos, tudo o que uma aventura tem direito de nos dar. Esse aqui vai ser o meu malão "à la Harry Potter".
Espero que esta seja a primeira de muitas aventuras em direção as quais darei um primeiro passo.
'Cause if I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere, it's up to you... New York, NEW YORK!!!
- Sai de mim, Liza!
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